Speech and language Therapy (SALT)

As part of our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our pupil’s, Hope High school commissioned a Specialist Teacher and Speech and Language Therapist to provide a high-quality individualised and specialist learning support service to the young people in school. 

They work in close collaboration with each other and with our established provision within school, such as the Willow room, Aspire Group, to ensure that a holistic approach to supporting all pupil’s needs is provided. 

Melanie Cookson: Speech and Language Therapist

As the Speech and Language Therapist at Hope High school, I work with pupils in school identified as having Speech, Language and Communication Needs; either through their Education and Health Care Plans, by school staff or their parents/carers. 

Following specialist assessment, most pupil’s needs are directly supported through targeted intervention sessions delivered by Miss Jenny Askew (Lead TA for Speech and Language Interventions) and Miss Cora Nock (Intervention TA).  We work closely together to set targets for pupils and  monitor their engagement and progress within sessions throughout the year, and new targets are provided as needed.  Review assessments and individual therapy sessions can also be provided by myself when it is felt that this is needed.

My role also involves identifying any unmet language needs of the whole school population, through delivering the Whole School Language Assessment.  This is generally caried out with children in their first year at our school.  Findings from the assessment are provided for Senior Leaders and Teaching staff in school, to support pupil’s language and communication needs and inform teaching and learning within the classroom.  Training is provided for staff to support them to interpret the assessment and support pupil’s needs within class.

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