"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science."
― Edwin Hubble


Pupils will study at KS3:

Hope High School KS3 Science is based on the very latest AQA (KS3) specification, released in June 2016. During the autumn term students get to spend most of their learning objectives based in the science lab. During the first two weeks, the emphasis is placed on laboratory safety, hazards and rules of the laboratory. Students are also encouraged to familiarise themselves with basic laboratory equipment. Students will then work through key concepts in science based on all three of the science specialisms: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Pupils will study at KS4:

AQA Entry Level Certificate Single/Double

Students will submit a portfolio of work containing the appropriate number of Externally-set assignments (ESAs) and Teacher-devised assignments (TDAs). Assignments are based on key concepts from Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Single award requires the completion of 3 components and double award will require the completion of all 6 components.

Curriculum Information - Science

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