Moving to a new school is never easy, but here at Hope High School, we aim to make it as smooth as possible.

With a combination of our excellent staff and a robust Transition Plan, making that jump from Y6 to Y7 will be made much easier.

  • New Year 7 pupils will be visited in their current school setting. 
  •  All new pupils have a home visit conducted by SENCo, Family Liaison office or members of the pastoral team.
  • Year 7 taster days to take place during the summer term.

Parents or carers will receive an invite to the school where they can view it and meet the staff. We also have the website to provide additional information and a prospectus will be available upon request. 

Year 7 pupils will have transition days within the summer term (while in Y6) and information about Hope High will be exchanged on visits to their current settings.

All new pupils to the school will receive a home visit so they feel less anxious when starting Hope High school


For pupils moving schools partway through their secondary education, it can be even harder; getting to know new staff and peers and learning to find your feet in a new environment. At Hope High, we aim to make this easier for new pupils:

Pupils transitioning to Hope high mid-way through academic year will be offered taster days, individualised timetable and a supported through a personalised nurturing transition with a named keyworker identified who will work closely with the pupil, family and school’s SENCo

For any new pupil coming to Hope, be reassured that our Nurturing approach to transition and a strong home/school relationship, helps to alleviate anxiety for pupils and their families when starting at our school.


Hope High Transitions

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