“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” 
― Dr. Seuss

Each pupil will be accessing the Accelerated Reader scheme in school and will develop their independent reading skills. Evidence from research at schools using the system suggests that if pupils engage with the programme, they will make above expected progress in a shorter period of time.

Reading lessons have been incorporated into each class’s timetable; within these lessons, each pupil will read independently for 25 minutes, then make notes for 10 minutes, before the class comes together to share in a class reader. We are committed to the belief that if our pupils become more competent readers, their writing and communication skills will develop in line with their reading. All pupils will access the Learning Resource classroom to support their reading development within the Accelerated reader programme. Pupils who struggle with their reading will be given extra sessions of additional support in the Learning Resource classroom, where they will work on Phonics with Mrs Griffiths. Additional support and strategies will be provided by our Specialist teacher, Mrs Gladders.

Curriculum Map - Accelerated Reader

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